

African Studies (Dual Title Ph.D.s)

The primary objective of the dual-title degree programs in African Studies is to expand teaching, research, and scholarship on Africa and African societies at Penn State. The programs are committed to preparing graduate students to become scholars who integrate the strengths of their respective disciplines with multidisciplinary training in the study of the African continent, in a number of allied disciplines, such as geography, history, political science, sociology, comparative literature, forestry, agricultural sciences, and international studies. The program uses the research projects and institutional networks of core and affiliate African Studies Graduate Faculty to provide research opportunities and linkages in Africa for doctoral students. It aims to produce Ph.D. scholars, who have a comparative advantage for African Studies-related employment in academia, (non) governmental agencies, and international think-tanks.

Liberal Arts Professor of African Studies and Political Science
Director of Graduate Studies
(814) 863-5815
Area(s) of Specialization: Security in the Horn of Africa, Extractive industries and commercial farming in Africa

African Studies (Dual Title Ph.D.s)

The primary objective of the dual-title degree programs in African Studies is to expand teaching, research, and scholarship on Africa and African societies at Penn State. The programs are committed to preparing graduate students to become scholars who integrate the strengths of their respective disciplines with multidisciplinary training in the study of the African continent, in a number of allied disciplines, such as geography, history, political science, sociology, comparative literature, forestry, agricultural sciences, and international studies. The program uses the research projects and institutional networks of core and affiliate African Studies Graduate Faculty to provide research opportunities and linkages in Africa for doctoral students. It aims to produce Ph.D. scholars, who have a comparative advantage for African Studies-related employment in academia, (non) governmental agencies, and international think-tanks.

Our dual-title Ph.D. degrees are:

Note:  Interested students working on Africa-related topics in other departments can pursue a Ph.D. minor. Information on graduate minors can be found here.

Admissions Requirements

Students must apply and be admitted to the graduate program and The Graduate School before they can apply for admission to the dual-title degree program.  After admission to their primary program, students must apply for admission to and meet the admissions requirements of the African Studies dual-title program.  Refer to the Admission Requirements of the African Studies Bulletin page.  Applicants interested in the dual-title degree program may make their interest in the program known clearly on their applications and include remarks in their statement of purpose that address the ways in which their research and professional goals in the primary department reflect an interest in African Studies-related research.

To be enrolled in the Dual-Title Doctoral Degree Program in African Studies, a student must have the approval of the major department and then submit a letter of application and transcript, which will be reviewed by and African Studies Admissions committee.  An applicant must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) to be considered for enrollment in the dual-title degree program.  Students must be admitted into the dual-title degree program in African Studies prior to obtaining candidacy in secondary department.

Admission Criteria

The successful degree applicant is evaluated on several criteria, along with the particular focus of each department in the dual degree program. The following are the general criteria for the University. See each individual department for their particular requirements:

  1. Undergraduate grade-point average, with emphasis given to the grade-point average in the major
  2. Grade-point average in previous graduate work
  3. Graduate Record Examination scores
  4. At least three academic references
  5. An oral and written sample of skills

Degree Requirements

The Dual-Title Doctoral Degree in African Studies is awarded to students who are admitted to a Ph.D. program that has adopted the dual-title degree program in African Studies. A total of 18 credits are required to complete the program. The minimum course requirements are as follows:

Required Courses

  • AFR 501 Key Issues in African Studies or AFR 505 African Studies Methodology.


  • 15 credits of Africa-centered coursework at the 400 or 500-level:
  • A minimum of 6 of these credits must be taken from a list of courses maintained by the African Studies program chair. These are courses designated as AFR courses.
  • As many as 6 of the 15 credits may come from other units (including the student’s primary program), as approved by the Director of Graduate Studies in the African Studies Program. If these six credits are taken from the student’s primary program, they will be double counted.
  • No more than 6 credits may be taken at the 400-level.
  • No more than 6 combined credits may come from individual studies courses (independent Studies) and/or foreign studies courses.
  • Communication and foreign language requirements will be determined by the student and the academic advisers and the African Studies Program
  • The choice of electives in African Studies is to be proposed by the student and is subject to approval by the academic advisers from the primary program and the African Studies Program. The suite of selected courses should have an integrated, intellectual thrust that probes a thematic, national, or regional issue and that is complementary to the student’s specialty in the primary program.

Composition of the Advisory Committee for the Dual-Title Ph.D.

At least one member of the African Studies Graduate Faculty must be included in the doctoral committee. The dissertation committee must include a minimum of four faculty members, i.e., chair and at least three additional members, all of whom must be members of the Graduate Faculty, and one of whom must be a member of the African Studies Graduate Faculty. Faculty members who hold appointments in both programs may serve in a combined role. The chair of the committee is typically from the primary program. If the chair is not a member of the Graduate Faculty in African Studies, the member of the committee who represents African Studies must be appointed as co-chair. Full details can be found in GCAC-602. All incoming dual title students should discuss the selection of the the African Studies committee member with the DGS or Director.

A student can change his or her chair at any time except for immediately before the comprehensive or under special circumstances. These changes need to be requested by the primary department in GRMS. If a student would like to change his or her African Studies chair/co-chair, permission to do so must be granted by the Director of African Studies or DGS  at the request of the new advisor and with the consent of the student prior to the primary department making the request in GRMS.

The comprehensive examination must incorporate African Studies content based on the student’s regional or area of thematic interest. To earn a dual-title Ph.D., the candidate must complete a dissertation on a topic or theme that reflects original research in his or her primary discipline and African Studies as well as pass a final oral defense of the dissertation.

To apply, visit the graduate school: