Kidane Mengisteab

Kidane Mengisteab

Professor of African Studies and Political Science
Director of Graduate Studies
015J Sparks Building
(814) 863-5815
Area(s) of Specialization: Security in the Horn of Africa, Extractive industries and commercial farming in Africa
Kidane Mengisteab

Professional Bio

Kidane Mengisteab is Professor of African Studies and Political Science at the Pennsylvania State University. The focus of his current research includes the relevance of “traditional” institutions in Africa’s governance; the socioeconomic implications of extractive industries and commercial farming in Africa; and alternative approaches to democratization in the African continent. He is author or editor of several books on Africa. His most recent work, which is in press, is an edited volume titled The Crisis of Democratization in the Greater Horn of Africa: A Quest for a New Approach.