African Studies Graduation
African-Asian Studies

African-Asian Studies

For centuries, multiple networks and the circulation of people and goods across the maritime waters of the Indian Ocean had linked diverse spaces and communities in Africa and Asia. The cross-pollination of cultural ideas is still visible through built spaces, languages, literary works, performances, spiritual cultures, and in many everyday practices. Today many African and Asian countries are mobilizing the history of these exchanges to forge lasting partnerships through economic, educational, environmental, digital, infrastructural, and healthcare projects. This 12-credit certificate will enable you to gain an integrated and grounded understanding of the past, present, and possible futures for African-Asian exchanges through a range of courses in humanities and social sciences. You will learn the history of this South-South relationship and how it gained new solidarities in the postcolonial phase after the Bandung Conference in 1955. You will study how Africa-Asia alliance redefines globalization, global networks, political capital, and also cultural connections. This certificate will also include an optional study abroad opportunity in Africa or Asia.

Required Courses

 6 credits from the following core course options:

  1. AFR 105: African Biodiversity and Conservation
  2. or AFR 110N: Introduction to Contemporary Africa
  3. ASIA 100: What is Asia?
  4. or ASIA 100Z: What is Asia?-Linked

6 credits from the following elective options:

  1. AFR 191: Early African History
  2. AFR 192: Modern African History
  3. AFR 202N: Women, Gender and Feminisms in Africa
  4. AFR 399: Foreign Studies
  5. AFR 405: African Studies Methodologies
  6. AFR 443: Ethnic Conflict in Africa
  7. AFR 454: Government and Politics of Africa
  8. AFR 464: Extractive Industries in Africa
  9. AFR 497: Special Topics
  10. AFR 596: Individual Studies
  11. ANTH 408: Anthropological Demography
  12. ANTH 458: Ethnographic Field Methods
  13. ASIA3: Introduction to Religions of the East
  14. ASIA 120Y: South Asia: A Literary History
  15. ASA 171: South Asia since 1500
  16. ASIA 199: Foreign Studies
  17. ASIA 401: Technology & Society in Modern Asia
  18. HIST 475Y: The Making and Emergence of Modern Asia

Non-Course Requirements

Per University policy, all credit courses for a certificate require a grade of ‘C’ or higher, and at least two-thirds (2/3) of the credits used to complete a certificate must be earned at Penn State. If student is completing multiple certificates in African Studies, no more than one (1) course may double-count for each.