Congratulations to Professor Chris Tounsel, in being named the Catherine Shultz Rein Early Career Professor for the College

Congratulations to Professor Chris Tounsel, in being named the Catherine Shultz Rein Early Career Professor for the College

Join us in congratulating Prof. Chris Tounsel, in being named the Catherine Shultz Rein Early Career Professor for the College. Congratulations Chris!

“Early career professorships and career development professorships are given to promising untenured and recently tenured faculty. They include support for the faculty member’s research and teaching program and are awarded for a term.”

  • https://pennstateoffice365.sharepoint.com/sites/CLAGateway/SitePages/Awards-for-All-Faculty.aspx#penn-state-outreach-and-online-education-emerging-faculty-award-for-engaged-scholarship