African Studies Graduate Minor

African Studies Graduate Minor

The primary objective of the African Studies graduate minor is to embed the expertise that students developed in other departments into African social, political, economic, educational, linguistic, and health contexts. The African Studies graduate minor is open to any graduate student who has been admitted to Penn State Graduate School, after which a student can submit an application in which he or she provides a rationale for admission into African Studies. To complete a graduate minor, a student needs to complete 15 credits.

The student must be admitted to the minor prior to scheduling the comprehensive examination and a Graduate Faculty member from African Studies must be on their committee. For full details of the graduate minor policy, please see: https://gradschool.psu.edu/graduate-education-policies/gcac/gcac-600/gcac-611-minor-research-doctorate/

At least one member of the African Studies Graduate Faculty must be included in the doctoral committee for any student pursuing an African Studies minor. Full details can be found in GCAC-602. All incoming students doing an African Studies Minor should discuss the selection of the the African Studies committee member with the DGS or Director.

If a student would like to change his or her African Studies minor program faculty, permission to do so must be granted by the Director of African Studies or DGS at the request of the new faculty member and with the consent of the student prior to the primary department making the request in GRMS.

After discussing adding the African Studies minor with both African Studies and your major program please fill out this form and send it to Ashley at (ams87@psu.edu).