Hanan Elsayed
Professional Bio
Hanan Elsayed is associate professor of French and Francophone Studies and African Studies.
Selected Publications
L’Histoire sacrée de l’Islam dans la fiction maghrébine (Paris: Karthala, 2016)
Co-edited Volume
Balibar and the Citizen Subject (Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh UP, 2017)
Articles and book chapters
“Race.” in Thinking with Balibar: A Lexicon of Conceptual Practice. Eds. Ann Laura Stoler, Stathis Gourgouris, Jacques Lezra. New York, NY: Fordham UP, 2020. Pp. 193-210.
“The Trial of Meursault: Inquests and Counter-Inquests.” Romanic Review 111.2 (2020): 316-332.
“Tombeau d'Ibn Arabi: ‘It is Ibn Arabi speaking’.” Expressions maghrébines 16. 2 (2017): 117-134.
“La Haine: Falling in Slow Motion.” In Balibar and the Citizen Subject. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh UP, 2017. Pp. 235-252.
Introduction. Balibar and the Citizen Subject. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh UP, 2017. Pp. 12-27.
“Early Islamic Historiography: The Background and Sources of Loin de Médine.” Approaches to Teaching the Works of Assia Djebar. Ed. Anne Donadey. New York, NY: PMLA, 2017.
“Coran et subversion dans Le Silence de Mahomet.” French Review 88.2 (2014): 89-102.
“‘Silence’ and Historical Tradition in Assia Djebar’s Loin de Médine.” Research in African Literatures 44.1 (2013): 91-105.