Deborah Morton

Deborah Morton

Assistant Teaching Professor of Linguistics and African Studies
006 Moore Building
(814) 865-4252
Area(s) of Specialization: Fieldwork-based language analysis African Languages Formal phonology and formal semantics
Deborah Morton

Professional Bio

Research Interests:

  • Fieldwork-based language analysis
  • African Languages
  • Formal phonology and formal semantics

Representative Publications:

Temporal and Aspectual Reference in Bassila Anii.  In the journal Afrika and Übersee, special issue on Ghana-Togo Mountain Languages. 2018.

[ATR] Harmony in an Eleven-Vowel Language: The Case of Anii. In: Marlo, Michael R.,Nikki B. Adams, Christopher R. Green, Michelle Morrison, and Tristan M. Purvis (Eds.). Selected Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics. 70-78. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. Peer-reviewed. 2012.

Temporal and Aspectual Reference in Bassila Anii. In: Bogal-Allbritton, Elizabeth (Ed.), Proceedings of SULA 6 and SULA-Bar: Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas (and Elsewhere). 349-363. Amherst: GLSA Publications. 2012.

AYAH GADO Amadou. 2006. Morton, Deborah, editor. Gʊya K’ushile [Market Day]. Bassila: La Sociéte Internationale de Linguistique. 2006.

Courses Taught: 

The Study of Language

Foundations of Linguistics

Introduction to Semantics

Linguistic Fieldwork

Language in Africa

Phonetic Analysis

Anthropological Linguistics

Proseminar in Language Science (for graduate students in the dual-title degree program)

Proseminar in Professionalization (for graduate students in the dual-title degree program)