Bruce Heilman

Bruce Heilman

Assistant Teaching Professor of African Studies
Area(s) of Specialization: Democracy, electoral violence, and the politicalization of racial, ethnic, religious, regional, and socio-economic identities in contestations over political power and access to economic resources such as land, natural gas, and commercial opportunities
Bruce Picture Headshot

Professional Bio

From 1999 to 2019 Bruce Heilman worked at the University of Dar es Salaam where he taught courses on African politics, human rights, peace studies and international relations in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration.  His research interests include democratization, electoral violence, and the politicalization of racial, ethnic, religious, regional, and socio-economic identities in contestations over political power and access to economic resources such as land, natural gas, and commercial opportunities.  While his geographic focus was mainly on East Africa and Tanzania, this has diversified to applying political assessment frameworks used to understand African and developing country political systems to study the US.